Featured | 12th of September 2024
Suzanne Innes-Stubb wears Andiata on visit to Ukraine
Suzanne Innes-Stubb attended the Fourth Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Mrs. Innes-Stubb wore Andiata's tailored Letya Blazer and matching Lucia trousers in misty pink, which complemented her beautifully. The suit was also spotted on her at the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024.
Read more: IS
Photos: Paula Kaskimaa / IS
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Letya Kavaj
REA-pris5 084 kr
Lucia Byxor
REA-pris3 188 kr
Traci Kavaj
REA-pris5 511 kr
Gytta Byxor
REA-pris3 200 kr